Saturday 20 June 2015

GSoC week 4; Jacobi sum test implementation and further optimizations

This week I implemented the basic version of Jacobi sum primality test. It is much faster then the test using Gauss sums. For example, primality proving of 50 digits prime using Gauss sum test takes ~200 seconds, and Jacobi sum test takes less then a second. The figure shows the number of up to 200 digits.
Implementation details are well described in "A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory" by H. Cohen and "Implementation of a New Primality Test" by H. Cohen and A. K. Lenstra. I also describe all the steps in code comments.

The image shows call graph output of valgrind --callgrind tool for 100 digits prime:
So, we can see that to improve the speed of algorithm we must reduce the number of multiplications (which are well optimized in flint).

Currently I have a very naive implementation of selecting $s$ and $R$ values (just trying increase $R = 2, 4, 6...$ until the proper $s$ is found). It can takes a lot of time and choose non-optimal parameters. For example, if we set $R = 98280$ it proves 200 digits number primality for ~8 seconds instead of 30. By $R = 166320$ we can prove 300 digits number in ~30 seconds. So I need to rewrite aprcl_config_init() function.

The next thing to do is replace the condition $s^2 > n$ to $s^3 > n$. Using "Divisors in Residue Classes" we can determine n divisors. It was implemented in flint before, so I need only add this step in Final division step.

Also I want to replace my basic powering algorithm in $\mathbb{Z}[\zeta] / (n)$ by $2^k$-ary method.

And finally we can precompute and store Jacobi sum in configuration structure (for 300 digits number computation of Jacobi sums takes ~40% of time) for testing numbers with a similar length.

This week I want to add this modifications and look in more detail the other opensource implementations.

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